Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is an imperative issue for infection prevention, and disease control. To understand the existing resources, and WASH situation, a participatory appraisal was conducted at Bauniabadh slum, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh from February-March 2022, and June-July 2023. Social mapping, transect walk, and informal discussion were conducted to identify available resources in the community for maintaining WASH, and also understand the challenges related to these; explore the surrounding cleanliness, waste disposal, and drainage system. Most of the households (HHs) fetched water from the nearest supply stations. Few families did not treat drinking water for purification; the gas flow was not sufficient to boil drinking water most of the time. A number of HHs did not clean their water reservoirs regularly, resulting in odor in supplied water. Regular garbage removal system was absent. WASH being a communal issue in slum setting, community engagement for WASH management is strongly recommended.
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Article Type: Research Article
EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2024, Article No: em0165
Publication date: 06 Nov 2024
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